Saturday, May 5, 2012

Webs- MAY 5, 2012 In Preparation for ASCENSION AGE NOW!

WebSite Tonight

The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE FOR 2012 will include education –health and wellness – and infrastructure for our planet which we call Global Tectonic Economics

We are unique in the fact that we welcome all beings with open arms. We are first humanoid sentient intelligent beings who welcome spiritual intellectuals. This is the Church of Ascension.

We are not religious but spiritual in our philosophy of life. We know we are Body-Mind-Spirits having the Birth-Life-Death Experience together as one group, level, and realm in space.

We are sharing through People Synergistically Involved the training for each to imagine their own “BIG WOW” in order to know what role they play in this vast universe.

We are in the ASCENSION AGE NOW! We are sharing our Art, Culture, Education as Folklife therefore we share the BRAND LOGO called ACE FOLKLIFE.

We also share in the ASCENSION CENTER as our BRAND LOGO for the ASCENSION CENTERS.

We also have the ACO CORP logo for our infrastructure involvement for our American Culture International Relations Anew Spiritual Intellectual Individuals into our infrastructure with the universal business language as ENGLISH in this communication of information age.

We share that “ASCENSION Age Is Now!” Forgive the past and learn from mistakes. What have we done today to make the world a better place for you, me, and the entire human race? We are the World and this is the LEGACY left us by the famous pop culture king Michael Jackson in 2009. Let’s be thankful for what we are able to share as body-mind-spirits having the birth-life-death experience in this realm of reality and virtual space reality. Love and Light TJ of Ascension.

Alien Hybrid Perspective as Alphaverse and Omegaverse. Those who have always been!

Those who believe alien civilizations exist do not believe in a religion of sorts as world religions purport to be … There are mention of various world religions and here are some listed in the free encyclopedia online a Wikipedia.

The Ascension Center is a faith based occupation group free open source online information base.
The ascension is about the shift and uplift and awakening awareness that alien civilizations exist.

For nearly a hundred years, we have known that the material world is an illusion. Everything that seems solid - a rock, a tree, your body - is actually 99.999% empty space. - Deepak Chopra –

What those of the Alien ET UFO Community ARE NOT! We are not a UFO Religion.
We are believers in the fact that we are Lightworkers and Truthseekers of those who from the heavens came.
We believe that alien civilizations exist and go about proving this fact with all those who desire to share an interest.
We are a social network and share ACE FOLKLIFE in art, culture, education, science, technology, and folklife.
We share in the Planet Information ET work on the website
We share our stories on UFO and other websites of the paranormal writer’s community.
We share a healthy interest in science fiction before it becomes science fact.
UFO religion ACIR - ACE GUIDE of the Ascension Center Enlightenment Magazine.

We are all now forming an alliance in this world of all the Ascension Lightworkers.


We are sharing the SPIRIT GUIDES...


What a great way to link our websites and share more of who we are.
We can all share our knowledge and learn more about our spiritual passions while here!

This is a great for our Lightworkers to also learn of each other’s names, level of participation, interests, and Facebook and Twitter connections.

We can all begin by tuning into each other here in words and then in the spirit work of the Akashic Field.

Here are some ways we are sharing in this world.

A work in progress for all the ACE Lightworkers who share in the website articles and blogs.

We are putting great efforts into sharing all of the Ancient Mystery Schools with all the updates regarding the mystical, magical, metaphysical, and occult wisdom lacking in many of the past disciplines taught on earth.

Many people could not read and write throughout the past centuries. This allowed for much confusion.

We hope that the world will desire to share health and prosperity for all.

This is our goal as Ascension Beings who are centered, well rounded, and grounded in education for earth.

THE ASCENSION CENTER - ACE GUIDE - EDUCATION and SELF-HELP Books and publishing for those who desire to know more about the future of humankind on earth. Many who desire to study ascension are about the future inspiration for all. Ascension Beings desire health and prosperity for all.

The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE FOR 2012 will include education in these areas.



The Truth is the Matrix we create in our minds which is housed in side our brains. We are about to enter a time when Brain Mapping for Computers will become part of our lives in this lifetime on earth.

Earth is the present world we call home. We are about to share a virtual reality level with everyone that at present we call the Akashic Field where the Theory of Everything is housed.



One might reference the Theory of Everything as the entire memories of all essences that exist in this time and space. We call this a space-time continuum anomaly in some worlds. There can be distortions and those are negative thoughts that serve no purpose and others are what we now recognize will cause what we term at present as Alzheimer's or a disease of a type of atrophy of the brain where our minds are stored.

We shall all learn about the future and how our essence is touched by the humanity in us all. We are all a part of the larger picture we call the universal matrix that creates our universal order with laws of the chaos in our universal prime directives here in this place we call space.

There are others who are Time Travelers who have come to earth as Ascension Centered Enlightened Avatar Ascended Master Guides.
We shall learn about the course of the involvement with other spirits who have their memories intact from various other universal forums and levels and dimensions.

The mind is where we presently consider our memories, and emotions that we call thoughts. We will now learn about theoretical particle physics in the matrix and we shall offer those of the humanoid kind peace.

We offer peace of the mind through accessing the brains of all humankind that are coming to earth for education, exploration, research, and for growth.
Here is some of what we shall offer in words through the energy that is now being exposed in what humankind calls the "Great Awakening through Unity - Ascension Age".

Memories & Future Computer Brain Mapping

Memories & Future Computer Brain Mapping will be how we are to comply with our idea of eternal living in the forever of energy, as our thoughts are to be stored to save us!

We shall have to now address faith in humanity and allow science to produce the thoughts that we once considered philosophy, which was the creation of science in the first place.

We shall have to unlearn some of our past and learn to know what is important to humanity and the future our memories as humankind a species of earth as part of the matrix of our own minds which we create as part of our world in our own universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and omniverse. Omnipresence is the omnipotent thought of our "ALL" as the entire creation that houses our outermost thoughts, which we conceive as the higher power or our conceptualized power given to the creator or our God.

We who are of the Intelligent Design Mode of thought processing believe there has always been an Omnipotent beginning outside our own omnipresence in time. Time Travelers are now considered those who are like me with memories of reincarnated being as Soul Ascension Masters and Avatar Master Guides. It is an old concept of the Alien Ancient Mystery Schools that have come full circle to be awakened and made aware one more time in this universe. We are creating our own eternity for all soul's survival as essence in the all or the beginning for everyone in everything.

We are going to search for the Theory of Everything in the New Ascension Age Movement to begin officially as a date we set ourselves as December 21, 2012 at a time of 11:11.

We create therefore we exist in eternal mystical wonder of our own soul's progression throughout the Omniverse. In the beginning was the word and the word was without form.

"I think, therefore I am." —René Descartes, 17th-century philosopher
"I have learned that my thoughts travel with me in all forms of existence." TJ Morris - ET Contactee.

Our soul exudes energy eternal and reaches out to each of us through our individual Central Nervous System therefore our essence is Ascension Center Enlightenment Causal Reality while we are here in physical body-mind-spirit form. I shall be sharing my thoughts as energy in words on the Internet for others to find as they reach a level of understanding of how we shall all be connected and yet separate in our gathering as bonding and categorizing our other worldly thoughts in bulk. TJ

By learning about the brain, we learn that the brain is the root of
What makes us human?

Mapping the millions of miles of neuronal "wires" in the brain could help researchers understand how those neurons give rise to intelligence, personality and memory, says Sebastian Seung, Professor of Computational Neuroscience at MIT.

We begin learning the fundamental principles of brain structure and function as students of life here on this planet. Students will better understand how they respond to and interact with their environment and how scientific research contributes to better health while we are here on earth. We are all here to learn and to shape the thoughts as memories, which we shall take with us to the next level of our energy existence.

I prefer to believe that we are all here to learn, explore, and to grow our energy into that of offering more to the various levels in the matrix of our energy, which is the universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and omniverse. While I am here as a student of life, I shall be glad to share what I learn with others who desire to have a friendly Guide.

Either by learning how individual behaviors can alter the function of the brain positively or negatively, students will be better prepared to prevent neurological trauma. I have decided to share what I can while I am in school learning myself of the words and thoughts behind the education process, which is offered at the college and university levels for all students.

I shall have to use my brain which is where I shall house or keep all my thoughts to become memories that I can access later whether in or out of my present physical body structure. I learned that I could leave my body when I had a near death experience.

Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters are the very molecules responsible for producing a specific motor response to a sensory input. I am learning how our energy shall be compared to that which goes on forever as what we call the eternity. I realize from my experiences that we do not cease to exist when our bodies die. This is something that science and theology shall be addressing in etymology the origin and study of words and etiology the study of causes, reasons, and origins…

I personally am interested in all of the words we create on this planet and the meaning behind them, as well as, the origins. I shall also be interested in all people, places, and things, which makes it very hard to focus on only one subject for degree purposes. The mind that I have is always interested in everything around me and what makes us human and endearing to others as a species.

I have been asked if I believe that my prior alien contact or extraterrestrial contact is due to my prior belief system as a Christian. Since I am a student of all religions in this world, I would like to think that my interest in theology and philosophy has meaning and a purpose but I cannot answer that question.

I only know that I am as interested in the mind and brain and how it receives, assimilates, and stores energy as the next person in the studies of the brain and computers. I want to know how we shall interact with computers on earth because where I have experiences and memories as a time traveler or a soul who wonders in other dimensions, I often wonder how people will accept the computers that I have learned to know and have grown to love.
Something to Form a Base of Operations for Further Study-----------
Neurotransmitters bind to the receptors, the charge across the postsynaptic membrane changes, and if the change is great enough, it triggers a nerve impulse. The new nerve impulse then travels along the postsynaptic cell.
Scientists have discovered a large number of neurotransmitters. Some are excitatory—they cause the postsynaptic neuron to become more likely to initiate a nerve impulse.

Some neurotransmitters are inhibitory that cause the postsynaptic neuron to become less likely to generate a nerve impulse.

Neurotransmitters are important to our nervous system.
An electrical impulse is generated when a stimulus such as sensory input that causes a rapid change in electrical charge in one part of a neuron’s membrane. This electrical impulse is one unit of neural information. An electrical impulse flowing along the length of a neuron is called a nerve impulse.
Nerve impulses proceed in just one direction within a neuron—from the dendrites, through the cell body and axon, to the axon terminals and neurons produce nerve impulses in an all-or-nothing way.

Neurons receive information from cells, and then transmit this information to other cells. The transmission of information between cells of the body and neurons enables us to react to changes in our internal and external environments. Neurons have a cell body, which contains a nucleus that directs the cell’s activities.

Specialized extensions called dendrites bring information into the cell body. Other extensions at the opposite end of the neuron are called axons. These carry information away from the cell body. Information leaves a neuron through axon terminals, the endpoints of the axon. Bundles of axons are called nerves.

The nervous system includes three general types of neurons: sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. Sensory neurons are specialized to detect stimuli from the environment, such as light, sound, taste, or pressure.

Detection of a stimulus triggers the sensory neuron to transmit a message to the central nervous system. There the message is relayed to interneurons that integrate the information and generate instructions about how to respond.

Instructions are sent back to the peripheral nervous system as messages along motor neurons. The motor neurons then stimulate muscles to contract or relax to make the appropriate responses. They also stimulate glands to release hormones.

Environmental and genetic factors influence the onset, severity, and progression of many neurological diseases.

"Instead of specifying the details of how the computer does something, you give it an example of what you want it to do and an algorithm that tries to figure out how to do what you want," says Jain. After the computer is trained on the human tracings, it is applied to electron micrographs that have not been traced by humans. This new technique represents the first time that computers have been effectively taught to segment any kind of images, not just neurons.

Jain and Turaga have also invented new ways of evaluating how well the computer imitates humans at the task of tracing. Those measures are crucial for machine learning because the computer, just like students in a class, will not learn the desired task well unless the "exam" properly measures performance.

Comparing connectomes as human development unfolds could also be informative, since much human behavior is learned, not encoded in the genome. "Compared to an adult, a baby doesn’t know how to do very much. The brain is slowly refined and becomes more powerful, and the thing that’s refined is the wiring diagram," says Jain.

Many of the research teams that have begun working on neuron-to-neuron connectome diagrams are starting with small pieces of the whole. These teams include a group at Harvard that is focusing on the human hippocampus, a brain region involved in memory and learning. Other groups are starting with brain diagrams for smaller animals such as mice and zebra fish.

However, only a handful of labs around the world are working on the connectome right now, Jain and Turaga expect that to change as tools for diagramming the brain improve. "It’s a common pattern in neuroscience:
A few people will come up with new technology and pioneer some applications, and then everybody else will start to adopt it," says Jain.
Casey Kazan via MIT News Office


Scientific researchers need to examine these disorders thoroughly in order to develop effective treatments and cures.

We shall be sharing more information in the future on all that we as students and teachers will find to write about for others to find on the Internet. I would be very much interested in others in the Alien ET UFO Community pursuing information to assist in the future with operating our minds together in unison with how we see synergy and how we shall all interact in the future with computers and other bio energy systems. I shall return to school myself to learn the ways of this world and those who are considered the most intelligent of our species here and who shall gain knowledge together in the next twenty earth years. I would like to continue sharing on the
Internet as a writer.

Here are some terms those who desire to follow my quest or inner path may want to share. We will all welcome new terms as we create them.

We shall learn to consider Quantum Jumping and Remote Viewing as simple ways of being in the future on this planet, as we understand more about Quantum Physics and Theoretical Science and Particle Physics.
In the meantime, let's all start on the same page with the following terms to use in our future articles and essays on our future with the Andromeda Galaxy Chronicles of Theoretical Stories of the Mind as we learn to Brain Train our Minds as our scientists learn to map our brains to be shared in the future of computers.

We are all going to learn how to be eternal in energy that matters because mind over matter means - minds matter! TJ Thurmond Morris
Alzheimer’s disease: A progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of function and death of nerve cells in several areas of the brain. This leads to loss of cognitive functions such as memory and language.
Animal model: A laboratory animal used in research that simulates processes comparable to those that occur in humans.

Axon: A long, branching outgrowth of a neuron that carries information, in the form of a nerve impulse, away from the cell body of the neuron.
Each neuron has one axon, which can be over a foot long.
A neuron delivers information to other cells through the axon terminals at the end of its axon.

Brain: The center of thought and emotion in the central nervous system. The brain is responsible for the coordination and control of body activities and the interpretation of information from inside and outside the body.
Cell body: In neurons, the main part of the cell around the nucleus excluding long processes such as axons and dendrites.

Central nervous system (CNS): One of the two major divisions of the nervous system. The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord.
Cognitive function: The mental process of knowing, thinking, learning, and judging.

Dendrite: A branching outgrowth of a neuron that carries information, in the form of a nerve impulse, into the cell body of the neuron. Each nerve usually has many dendrites.

Glial cells (glia): Specialized cells that surround neurons. They provide mechanical and physical support to neurons and electrical insulation between neurons.

Interneuron: A type of neuron that connects only with other neurons and thus delivers information only between neurons.

Involuntary response:  A nervous system response, such as a reflex, that is not under the control of the brain, and thus does not involve choice.
Learning:  The acquisition of knowledge or skill. It occurs in, and may lead to changes in, the brain.

Motor neuron:  A neuron that delivers information from a sensory neuron or interneuron to muscles or glands in the body in order to produce a response.
Motor output:

The body’s response to motor information delivered through motor neurons.

The insulating sheath that surrounds axons.
Nerve:  A bundle of neurons bound together by a protective sheath of connective tissue.

Nerve impulse:  Information in the form of an electrochemical signal that travels through a neuron in response to a stimulus.

Nervous system:  The entire, integrated system of nerve tissue in the body. It is composed of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and glia. The human nervous system can be subdivided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

Neural pathway:  An interconnected set of neurons that delivers information (in the form of a nerve impulse) related to a body function.

Neural signaling:  The delivery of information through a neural pathway.
Neuron: A specialized cell that delivers information within the body.
Paralysis: Loss or impairment of motor function due to damage of the nervous system by injury or disease. Paralysis below the waist only is referred to as paraplegia; complete paralysis below the neck is referred to as quadriplegia.

Peripheral nervous system (PNS):  One of the two major divisions of the nervous system. Nerves in the PNS connect the central nervous system (CNS) with sensory organs, other organs, muscles, blood vessels, and glands.
Plasticity:  The ability of the brain to change through the formation or strengthening of connections between neurons in the brain.
Positron emission tomography

(PET):  A technique for imaging the brain in action. PET images show active regions in the brain.

Postsynaptic cell:  A neuron that receives a nerve impulse across a synapse.
Presynaptic cell:  A neuron that sends a nerve impulse across a synapse. Reflex: A type of involuntary response. Sensory input: Information received by the body through sensory organs, such as the eyes, ears, nose, and skin.
Sensory neuron:  A neuron that delivers sensory information from the sensory organs to interneurons or motor neurons.

Spinal cord: The part of the central nervous system that is located inside the vertebral column. Neurons in the spinal cord connect neurons in the brain to neurons in the body.

Stimulus: Any information coming into the body that is capable of generating a nerve impulse.

The space separating the axon terminals of a neuron from the dendrites of the next neuron in a neural pathway.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI):  Injuries to the brain caused by physical trauma to the head.

I would like to invite everyone into my world of learning as a Time Traveler in this Space Time Continuum we all share with others in our Omniverse. I sometime am at a loss for words to compare as a model in this universe with other lifetimes, which I have experienced. There are ways we can all find out about our past lives in what we consider as reincarnation of our parts that we encounter as our essence as part of our soul.

Do not confuse entomology the study of insects with Etymology the study of world history. We will assist many teachers with the topics for those who desire to visit Hawaii, and learn of Lemuria and Atlantis. The New Age of Revealing and Revelation is considered the years of 2010 through 2012.

2013 begins the ASCENSION AGE. David Wilcock will be speaking at a seminar in Hawaii in February. Michael Salla is also in Hawaii.

The topics discussed are a compilation, formulation of the Ancient Mystery Schools adapted to modern day words, and etymology will be a part of the future changes in the WEB and the MATRIX. Some now refer to the Critical Mass Consciousness and how everyone that is entitled to know of the God Particles in everyone and everything affects the Akashic Field. This is now being revealed to Quantum Scientists and those who are working with the Hadron Collider. There are new findings for Astronomers and new telescopes creating new awareness for us all. It is truly an age of revealing. Bodies There have been recent attempts at creating groups and associations for seminars in California and in other places around the world including Hawaii.

Honolulu is the home to the original Ascension Center and is considered the Heart of Lemuria. Many of the Hawaiian Hunas know this and feel the Hawaiian Chain of islands are cresting or sitting upon where Lemuria once resided.

If anyone has ever been to Hawaii and toured the islands where there are both whales and dolphins that live there, one can know it is truly touched and blessed.

Gil Grissom on the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation TV show is an entomologist, who is played by actor William Petersen.

Similarly, entomologist Jack Hodgins of Bones, portrayed by TJ Thyne, helps his team by analyzing insects (such as Hydrotaea) and "particulates" near to or attached to decomposed victims, often identifying the precise location a murder originally occurred; he is also an expert in botany and mineralogy.

In Arthur Conan Doyle's story, The Hound of the Baskervilles, the villain is a naturalist who collects butterflies, making him an "evil" entomologist.

There are numerous science fiction books, which have plots based on humans becoming smaller and having to deal with insects at their level.

Some examples are The Insect Warriors by Rex Dean Levie, Atta by Francis Rufus Bellamy, Bug Park by James P. Hogan, The Micronauts series by Gordon Williams, and The Forgotten Planet by Murray Leinster. The Forgotten Planets plot is twisted in that the insects are the size of men (or larger) on a planet "seeded" to prepare it for human habitation. Robert Asprin wrote The Bug Wars, a novel about war between reptiles and insects on an interplanetary scale.

We are going into what are called precession years. This will include
The new discoveries of old and ancient information through science,
Technology and discoveries of future inventions.

It is our desire to share in the awareness of ascension cultural
Education. We plan to do this via the Internet or World Wide Web.

There is so much changing now that we should be involved with art,
Culture, education, science, technology, and the religions of
Humankind on earth.

We are going through global change and will need everyone to improve
Innovations and involvement.

The Large Hadron Collider is the picture of the 21st century that will
Lead the way into our new discoveries of the weak and strong nuclear
Forces in the universe. This will deal with the global environment,
International world governmental changes and future discoveries on
Earth. Some may include the knowledge of reverse engineering from
Extraterrestrial technology.

We are doing this internationally now as we can see due to the recent
Earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. We cannot change history but
We can learn from our mistakes.

The Red Cross is the one organization that we can count on in the world.

The United Nations is also one organization along with UNESCO for education.

We will need more involvement during these years that will involve
The OLYMPIC TEAMS to inspire us and to share hope.

There are new words on websites springing up daily in the world. The new buzzwords with the new marketing and media online have not been able to keep up with all the new words. We will need a new Global Lexicon and WORLD WIDE DICTIONARY.

We will need improvements in our Lexicography skills. There are now new
Improvements in our entertainment media. We have seen some innovations that we have enjoyed with computer graphics and simulations in a lifelike film called Avatar. We will desire more movies such as Avatar and maybe Steven Spielberg could make a Close Encounters II or the Fourth Kind has been made so maybe Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. This new 3D movie was a wonderful contribution to the 21st

During the past in American when we were at war and/or in a recession
We used the theater and movies to inspire us to a better way of life
With movie stars on the big silver screen who had a life we could only
Dream about and desire, which inspired hope for the future.

We have always enjoyed our movies and these can now be seen in various
Ways on television via satellite, internet computers, and yet, we
Still want to go share in a social event with our friends and families
In theaters in America. This has been engraved as part of our American

The Ascension Center Education will be a part of the future and is
Concentrating on the time prior to the date of December 21, 2012,
11:11 AM as the sun passes over our part of the world. The light will
Restore parts of our DNA that have been lacking and those born after
This time on earth will be the new human beings with knowledge
Abilities that include the future in 3D and Virtual Imaging in the

Many call this Ascension Age, which is called that for the awareness the time on earth, brings about the truth as it is restored in correcting history with our past knowledge clarified with the assistance of avatar oracles.

The topics shared in a guide we will be sharing in the new World
Information Network (WIN) to inspire Social Entrepreneurs of the
Future on the Internet. We are a Global Community that is rebuilding
Ourselves through new information, knowledge, reconstruction, and
Imagining ourselves in the future. This projection and new telepathic
Waves we use to connect to the Akashic Field of Everything in the
Universe will be not only felt but also discovered to be a real energy in
The smallest forms of matter and antimatter in science.

Some of the topics below are what many people are now interested in as
We create new scripts for our enjoyment and entertainment social media
Networks. We will all become students as seekers and teachers as seers
Around the world. Global Community Culture is dealing with art,
Culture, education, science, technology, social entrepreneurs, and
Creating new professions and careers for the future of our children.

The following is in no specific order as we are still compiling topics and subjects for Neophytes from our Ascension Center Authority though December 21, 2012 T. 11:11 DEADLINE - ASCENSION CENTER AVATAR GUIDE FOR LIGHT WORKERS IN THE ASCENSION AGE

Vertebral column: The series of bones that extend from the skull to the tailbone. It provides support and forms a flexible, protective case for the spinal cord. The bones of the vertebral column are called vertebrae.

Voluntary response:  A nervous system response that is under control of the brain, and thus involves choice.

These words I am sharing because they are coming up in my present life and how I shall continue to learn about myself in relation to others and how we use our minds inside our brains.

Brain Training is a major part of the Ascension Center Enlightenment (ACE)
Categories of learning for future technology and advancement with interacting with computers such as human anatomy and flight Simulations in the future advancement of our humankind in space.

Part of my mission on earth is revealed to me in time as I grow and learn how I can be of service to the human population that now exists and will be changing over the course of the next 24 months.

We are all in a state of flux and change while we enter a new phase of our existence in this universe.

Many of us feel the outward and inward pull of our energy from others as we learn to exert more energy in thoughts. We will now be learning about brain mapping and how we may become eternal in state of mind for the future of our own humankind in this universe and in other dimensions.   We should all continue education and I suggest that all those in the "Baby Boomer Category" to return to education for formal training for those who are not presently pursuing a profession to assist those on earth. We were the generation that was to change the world and so be it!

Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris, Author/Entrepreneur consultant includes paranormal experiences that include Extraterrestrials, OBE, NDE, ECE, and TJ is a well-known professional psychic medium since 1990. Read Roswell Co

ASCENSION AGE begins on DECEMBER 21, 2012 T. 11:11

The most dramatic changes are being revealed now in articles on Social Paranormal Network Guide at



Ascension Cultural Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR)













Alien Contact

Alien Technology


Amen Unity

Amnesty-Human Rights

Ancient Cultures


Religions and Paths to Salvation













Pole Shifts

Near Earth Objects

Planet Nibiru






Ascension DNA Code Activation

Ascension Consciousness Awakening

Ascension Body -Mind-Spirit Activism

AUTHORS/Web Publishers



Light workers

Star Babies

Star People



Area 51

Dulce Base


All New Mexico Bases



Pine Gap




Johnson Manned Spacecraft Center

Cape Canaveral






Internet Use


Building a Website

Starting a Business

Social Networks





Ancient & Present


Ghost Hunters


Psychic Mediums



Spirit Guides


ET Disclosure Project



Government Cover Ups

Conspiracy Theories



Levitation of Spirit

Mental Telepathy
Migrations of Birds

Psi miracles
Spirits of electricity
God Particle
Time Displacement
Organized divination


Extraterrestrial Education

Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings

Extra biological Beings (EBENS)




Futurists Theories




New Age Culture






Hollow Earth Society

Mayan Calendar




Hollow Earth


New World Order


Ghosts Energy Apparitions

Ascension Channels

Shroud of Turin



Origin of Religions



Thinking of primitive people


History, Gods, Pharaohs, Priests, Monuments

Ideas of Death & Last Judgment



Creed, Jesus, Dogma, Catholicism, Reformation, Present


Jewish Creed, Ethics, Talmud, Mysticism


History, Origin, Mohammedan Mysticism,


Basic Modes between humankind & Deities



Preanimistic Theory

Theory of Original Monotheism

Magic & Religion

Celts & Slavs






Japanese Buddhism




Extinct Religions

Teutonic Gods

Ideas of Death

Magic of Runes

Biblical Revelations


All isms











Star gates

Time Travel


Zechariah Sitchin










We will also add our TJ Morris & Friends websites, RSS, and links.

American Culture International Relations
Timely Manor Books
TJ Morris Publishing
TJ Morris tm ACIR sm

Theresa J Thurmond Morris, Author

There are levels of time and there are levels and dimensions. There are levels of existence and there are ways that the universe flows inside the matrix that we call the metaverse.

There is the multiverse, which flows all over, and around the universe and all those that are stuck like flies to fly paper but we call these sheets branes in the metaverse.

Therefore, if we know that the world is only one planet in a solar system, inside a galaxy among billions of others inside a universe. What makes us think that there are not many other universes inside the metaverse surrounded by matter and anti-matter of the nuclear space dust type that is all around us in the xenoverse inside the omniverse?

Now, if we have all this going on inside the real omniverse there still has to be an observer to know all of this. If God and Goddesses are outside looking in then who created them?

There has to be time travel as we know it outside of the matrix and if this is, true then each web must be in another dimension of time and there probably are many other webs.

Michio Kaku has been on television and trying to explain to people that there are other parallel universes. Whether anyone is listening or watching is another matter. I happened to see an episode or two. However, then it seemed like the same thing repeatedly and I have not had time to watch the show in a long time. Therefore, I have no idea if he was passed where he was going with his quantum entanglement or passed the string theory.
Anyway, Tom and I have experienced what could be considered other dimensions. One time while Tom was back in the day and had some experiences like outside of what is called a UFO, he spoke about the room that was outside of GUS, the UFO that is kept underground from the public. Outside was simply the world or the one that we all see and know. However, when Tom went into a room that could not possible be there because he knew he was standing at the door and could see the outside wall, he knew that there were no extra rooms. However, when he went to the wall there was a room. It opened up. Tom could not believe it. He asked me "Where did the room come from?" I told him, "It's got to be another dimension that we ordinarily cannot see while we are here on this planet." He looked like DATA on Star Trek for a second or two and shifted his head like Data does and said, "MAY BE." That was all that was said about it for year’s one earth.
We have since had other experiences and there are plenty of others but this will serve DIRK now to get this forum started, and my back is tired from sitting in this executive high back chair at my computer. One thing about being on GUS is that the seats conform to your body. These old earth chairs are hard on my back. Oh and another thing what's up with this world having all these computers that are not controlled by humans?

I had the hardest time conforming to this time on earth. We had to adjust this time around to not being able to create the proper request on earth. It is like the Command Ship on Star Trek in our normal existence. Here I see some computers work on trucks by voice commands and other computers do not have voice command. Shouldn't this world become accustomed to accuracy and a constant with public computers? I do not understand when I cannot go up to a computer and talk to it. There are some places on earth we can use voice commands and other places that will not respond. How is a normal human being supposed to know the difference? In this world we need to become united as to what we shall teach all those who shall come after the Indigo children for they will be coming to earth expecting more.
SO where do the babies come from and are they in another dimension before they are given units. Body-mind-spirit vessels? This is also all part of the time travel journals. I guess that Dirk will finally make a book out of each forum.

I for one will address the fact that there are many levels and dimensions in the metaverse and that the fact that other universes exist is a moot point. TJ



Time Travel is relative to the experiencer. However, what if real humans in various levels of existence right now are also experiencing time travel, today, in this reality?

A very sensitive topic to some. There are various ways to think of time travel and the dimensions. There are now 13 dimensions.

We think of this working world as three-dimensional. We also recognize first and second dimensional thinking. We will now learn to incorporate fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh. Twelfth dimension is reserved for the Supreme Beings. We are not able to fathom the thirteenth dimension, which is outside of the omniverses.

We presently use the matrix inside the web of the universe, multiverse (polyverse), metaverse, xenoverse, and omniverse. This is as far as we have been able to lay claim to our work and worlds in words at this time one earth in reality and virtual reality. We are learning how to expand the awareness with the shift and uplift in the ascension center enlightenment or ACE project on earth.

We are all working with various others in the Akashic Field and we are striving to share that which we will one day describe as more than simply a theory of everything.

Do we who are the inquiring minds of the critical mass conscious in the traditional way of thinking as the general mass populace really want to know? I was called on the telephone in this reality from a girl who said she was in New Jersey and wanted to get back to her period. She explained to me that she was not from here. She was serious as a heart attack as we say on this plane of existence. I talked to her a bit to make sure she was not delusional or suffering some psychotic episode of which I would need to assist her and realized she seemed quite sane but had an episode here on earth.

IT is a long story and one that should not be told but anyway, I referred her to my husband and gave her his cell phone number. Tom is a realist to the point that one would never care to really join in a conversation with him about anything paranormal. He can make you feel like an idiot. So, he told me do not have people like that call me again.

She was nuts. I told him, "Well, I didn't know what to do for her because she sounded very serious to me. She wanted to get back to where her boyfriend was and admitted that everything was all wrong in the world here in this reality. She did not make me think she was working for a TV station or writing a book. She was telling me she worked in New Jersey at a convenient store and went into the details and seemed quite sane."

Now why would I share that with my husband if I did not believe her or with the world on this time travel forum if I did not believe her? Actually, everyone with me here would probably want to know the whole story before they concluded. Well, this is what this forum is about. Sharing your time while here on earth.
In my mind’s eye, or way of thinking, we are all time travelers. We are given so much time and even those who are religious fanatics have to admit that while we are here it tells us in the Bible that none of us know when we shall pass on from here nor will we know the time of our death. We shall not know when Christ returns, and we shall not know how to read the times of the end of the world. Therefore, this tells us that there is something to time even when the Bible was written and later translated by others.

Please Visit my colleagues and me on UFO Digest a creation of author/Entrepreneur Dirk Vander Ploeg of Canada.

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(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia}
The logo used by the Heaven's Gate group whose members committed a group suicide in the belief they were performing a rendezvous with ET.
UFO religion is an informal term used to describe a religion in which extraterrestrials (ET) figure. Typically, ETs are held to be interested in the benefit of humanity which either already is, or eventually will become, part of a preexisting ET civilization. Others may incorporate ETs into a more supernatural worldview in which the UFO occupants are more akin to angels than physical aliens, though, ultimately this distinction may become blurred within the overall subculture and a variety of tropes from standard space operas to the classic UFO sighting/abductee subculture are observed.
Some are cargo cults, in that the adherents believe that the arrival or rediscovery of alien civilizations, technologies and spirituality will enable humans to overcome their current ecological, spiritual and social problems. Issues such as hatred, war, bigotry, poverty and so on are said to be resolvable through the use of superior alien technology and spiritual abilities. Such belief systems are also described as millenarian in their outlook.]
UFO religions naturally have developed first in such countries as the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom and Japan as the concept presumes the cultural context of a society technologically advanced enough to conceive of ET as such and one in which religion of any kind is not discouraged or suppressed.
The term “flying saucers” and the popular notion of the UFO originated in 1947.
 The 1950s saw the creation of UFO religions, with the advent of the purported contactees. Scientology, which does not publicly stress this basis is probably the largest and originates from this early period.

L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, in 1950
UFO religions run the gamut from serious enough for adherents to commit mass suicide to a few that are intentionally satirical or farcical.
1 Notable UFO religions
1.1 Aetherius Society
1.2 Church of the Sub Genius
1.3 Heaven’s Gate
1.4 Industrial Church of the New World Comforter
1.5 Nation of Islam
1.6 Raëlism
1.7 Scientology
1.8 Unarius Academy of Science
1.9 Universe people
2 UFOs in other religions
3 See also
4 Notes
5 References
6 Further reading
Notable UFO religions

Aetherius Society
Main article: Aetherius Society
The Aetherius Society was founded in the United Kingdom in the 1950s. Its founder, George King, claimed to have been contacted telepathically by an alien intelligence called Aetherius, who represented an "Interplanetary Parliament." According to Aetherians, their society acts as a vehicle through which "Cosmic Transmissions of advanced metaphysical significance" can be disseminated to the rest of humanity. These “transmissions” were recorded on magnetic reel-to-reel tape by persons present during each "telepathic transmission" as George King sat in a state of "Samadhi" and the "transmission" was “delivered” via his voicebox. In 1956 and 1957, and on occasion before a public audience, several of these “transmissions” forecast flying saucer activity in specific parts of the world on certain dates (You Are Responsible! Aetherius Society 1961). Shortly after these dates, newspapers, such as the Sunday Times and The Daily Telegraph, reported sightings which coincided with the dates and locations forecast in these “transmissions”. As a spiritual teacher, George King taught certain yoga practices, spiritual healing, Eastern mantra and “dynamic prayer”—tools for spiritual self-advancement and service to the world—which the Aetherius Society is principally based upon.

Church of the SubGenius
Main article: Church of the SubGenius
Founded in 1979 with the publication of SubGenius Pamphlet #1 by Ivan Stang and Philo Drummond, the Church of the SubGenius has been known as a “parody religion” due to its extensive use of comedy and parody. In spite of this, the organization claims over 10,000 followers worldwide who have paid $30 to become “ordained SubGenius ministers”, and it has been embraced by many skeptic and atheist groups. With the publication of The Book of the SubGenius in 1983, the Church of the SubGenius prophesied that its founder, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, was in contact with an exterrestrial race called the Xists (“X-ists”), and these Xists were scheduled to launch a worldwide invasion of Earth on July 5, 1998. (See also: X-Day (Church of the SubGenius)) The day of the scheduled invasion came and went without an appearance by the Xists, but church members remain unconvinced. The church now holds annual “X-Day” celebrations on July 5 of every year. The church also claims that its members are not entirely human, having descended from the Yeti.
Heaven’s Gate
Main article: Heaven's Gate (religious group)
The Heaven’s Gate group achieved notoriety in 1997 when one of its founders convinced 38 followers to commit mass suicide. Members reportedly believed themselves to be aliens, awaiting a spaceship that would arrive with Comet Hale-Bopp. The suicide was undertaken in the apparent belief that their souls would be transported onto the spaceship, which they thought was hiding behind the comet. They underwent elaborate preparations for their trip, including purchasing and wearing matching shoes. For a time, group members lived in a darkened house where they would simulate the experience they expected to have during their long journey in outer space.
Industrial Church of the New World Comforter
The Industrial Church of the New World Comforter is a UFO religion founded in 1973 by Allen Michael.
In 1947, Allen Noonan was a pictorial sign painter in Long Beach, California, who that year claimed to have a telepathic encounter with a UFO. He then changed his name from Allen Noonan to Allen Michael. He claimed to have physically encountered a flying saucer in 1954 at Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert of California. During the Summer of Love, he had a vegan restaurant on the northeast corner of Haight and Scott streets in San Francisco, California, called the Here and Now (also called the Mustard Seed). His group lived in two communes in two large houses during the late 1960s and early 1970s in Berkeley, California, called The One World Family. They taught classes in tantric sex. In 1969, the vegan restaurant moved to a much larger space on Telegraph Avenue and Haste Street in Berkeley and the name of the restaurant was changed to the One World Family Natural Food Center. They published a vegan cookbook called Cosmic Cookery. There was a large mural on the side of the restaurant painted by Allen Michael that had written above it the phrase Farmers, Workers, Soldiers—Revolution by 1976! The farmer was holding a pitchfork, the worker was holding a hammer, and the soldier was holding a gun, and they had their arms around each other’s shoulders. Above the three were three flying saucers coming in for a landing. In 1973, Allen Michael founded “The Industrial Church of the New World Comforter” and published the first volume of his revelations, The Everlasting Gospel. In 1975, the church headquarters and the vegetarian restaurant relocated to Stockton, California. Allen Noonan ran for president of the United States in the 1980 and 1984 elections on the Utopian Synthesis Party ticket
Nation of Islam
Main article: Nation of Islam
The Nation of Islam subscribes to the belief that UFOs are responsible for “raising mountains” and will destroy the world on the Day of Judgment. Its former leader, Elijah Muhammed, claimed that the Biblical Book of Ezekiel describes a “Motherplane” or “wheel”. The movement’s current leader, Louis Farrakhan, describes the “Motherplane” thus:
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us of a giant Motherplane that is made like the universe, spheres within spheres. White people call them unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Ezekiel, in the Old Testament, saw a wheel that looked like a cloud by day but a pillar of fire by night. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad said that that wheel was built on the island of Nippon, which is now called Japan, by some of the original scientists. It took 15 billion dollars in gold at that time to build it. It is made of the toughest steel. America does not yet know the composition of the steel used to make an instrument like it. It is a circular plane, and the Bible says that it never makes turns. Because of its circular nature it can stop and travel in all directions at speeds of thousands of miles per hour. He said there are 1,500 small wheels in this mother wheel which is a half mile by a half mile (800 by 800 m). This Mother Wheel is like a small human built planet. Each one of these small planes carries three bombs
Main article: Raëlism
The International Raëlian Movement has been described as “the largest UFO religion in the world.”[6] Raëlians believe that scientifically advanced extraterrestrials, known as the Elohim, created life on Earth through genetic engineering, and that a combination of human cloning and “mind transfer” can ultimately provide eternal life. Past religious teachers, like Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad, are said to have been sent by these scientifically advanced extraterrestrials to teach humanity. The Elohim are said to be planning a future visit to complete their revelation and education of humanity.
Raëlian Priest Thomas said on this topic, “The difference between Raëlians and Heaven’s Gate and Jim Jones etc., is that the others destructively believed in a God who would give them a better life after death, just like most believers in a monotheistic religion do today, and hence the risk for suicide chasing afterlife rewards … as Raëlians we want the best right now in our life, who would want to die now in that scenario with all those pleasures to enjoy? Raëlians believe in enjoying life now, with happiness and laughter
Main article: Scientology
Scientology has been discussed in the context of UFO religions in UFO Religions by Christopher Partridge,
 The Encyclopedic Sourcebook of UFO Religions by James R. Lewis, [8] and UFO Religion: Inside Flying Saucer Cults and Culture by Gregory Reece. [9] Stories of extraterrestrial civilizations and interventions in past lives form a part of the belief system of Scientology. The most well-known story publicized and held up to ridicule by critics is that of Xenu, the ruler of the Galactic Confederacy who is said to have brought billions of frozen people to Earth 75 million years ago and placed them near a number of volcanoes, and dropped hydrogen bombs into them, thus killing the entire population in an effort to solve overpopulation. The spirits of these people were then captured by Xenu and mass implanted with numerous suggestions and then “packaged” into clusters of spirits.
From the early 1950s onwards, Scientology’s founder, L. Ron Hubbard, published a number of books, lectures and other works describing what he termed “space opera”.
Scientology teaches that all humans have experienced innumerable past lives, including lives in ancient advanced extraterrestrial societies, such as Helatrobus and the Marcabians. Traumatic memories from these past lives are said to be the cause of many present-day physical and mental ailments. Scientologists also believe that human beings possess superhuman powers which cannot be restored until they have been fully rehabilitated as spiritual beings through the practice of “auditing”, using methods set out by Hubbard in his various works.
According to Hubbard, when thetans (the Scientology term for a human being) die they go to a “landing station” on the planet Venus, where they are re-implanted and are programmed to “forget” their previous lifetimes, thus causing amnesia. The Venusians then “capsule” each thetan and send them back to Earth to be dumped into the ocean off the coast of California; whereupon, each thetan searches for a new body to inhabit. To avoid these inconveniences, Hubbard advised Scientologists to simply refuse to go to Venus after their death.
Unarius Academy of Science
Main article: Unarius Academy of Science
Founded by Ernest L. Norman and his wife, Ruth, in 1954, the Unarians are a group headquartered in El Cajon, California, who believe that, through the use of fourth dimensional physics, they are able to communicate with supposed advanced intelligent beings that allegedly exist on higher frequency planes. Unarians believe in past lives and hold that the Solar System was once inhabited by ancient interplanetary civilizations.
Universe people
Main article: Universe people
The Universe people or Cosmic people of light powers (Czech: Vesmírní lidé sil světla) is a Czech movement centered around Ivo A. Benda. Its belief system is based upon the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations communicating with Benda and other “contacters” since October 1997 telepathically and later by direct personal contact. According to Benda, those civilizations operate a fleet of spaceships led by Ashtar (sometimes written Ashtar Sheran) orbiting and closely watching the Earth, helping the good and waiting to transport the followers into another dimension. The Universe People teaching incorporates various elements from ufology (some foreign “contacters” are credited, though often also renounced after a time as misguided or deceptive), Christianity (Jesus was a “fine-vibrations” being) and conspiracy theories (forces of evil are supposed to plan compulsory chipping of the populace).[citation needed]
UFOs in other religions
Though rarely mentioned after having been introduced in 1991, Harry Palmer asserts a Galactic Confederacy story similar to Scientology in his "Avatar" courses and literature
The Theosophical guru Benjamin Creme claims that the Messiah figure he refers to as Maitreya, who, he teaches, will soon declare himself publicly, is in telepathic contact with the space brothers in their flying saucers.
 Creme subscribes to the view that Nordic aliens from Venus pilot flying saucers from a civilization on Venus hundreds of millions of years in advance of ours that exists on the etheric plane of Venus. These flying saucers are capable of stepping down the level of vibration of themselves and their craft to the slower level of vibration of the atoms of the physical plane (Creme accepts George Adamski’s UFO sightings as valid).
 According to Creme, the Venusians have mother ships up to four miles long. It is also believed by the Theosophists in general as well as Creme in particular that the governing deity of Earth, Sanat Kumara (who is believed to live in a city called Shamballa located above the Gobi desert on the etheric plane of Earth), is a Nordic alien who originally came from Venus 18,500,000 years ago.[18] The followers of Benjamin Creme believe there is regular flying saucer traffic between Venus and Shamballah and that crop circles are mostly caused by flying saucers.
The Ascended Master Teachings are a group of religions based on Theosophy.
 In the traditional Ascended Master Teachings of Guy Ballard and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, no mention is made of UFOs or flying saucers. However, the Ascended Master Teachings teacher Joshua David Stone in his teachings began, beginning in 1993, to refer to Ashtar, believed by some UFO enthusiasts to be the commander of a flying saucer fleet called the “Ashtar Galactic Command” that operates near Earth (manned mostly by Venusians), as a Master along with the more traditional ascended masters.
 He continued to include “Ashtar” on his list of ascended masters that he mentioned he received dictations from when speaking at his yearly Wesak Festival Mount Shasta gatherings that began to be held in 1996.
 Stone also taught that the Master Jesus, under his “galactic” name Sananda, sometimes rides with “Commander Ashtar” in his flying saucer fleet.

A neo-Nazi esoteric Nazi Gnostic sect headquartered in Vienna, Austria, called the Tempelhofgesellschaft, founded in the early 1990s, teaches what it calls a form of Marcionism.
They distribute pamphlets claiming that the Aryan race originally came to Atlantis from the star Aldebaran (this information is supposedly based on “ancient Sumerian manuscripts”).
They maintain that the Aryans from Aldebaran derive their power from the vril energy of the Black Sun.
 They teach that since the Aryan race is of extraterrestrial origin it has a divine mission to dominate all the other races. It is believed by adherents of this religion that an enormous space fleet is on its way to Earth from Aldebaran which, when it arrives, will join forces with the “Nazi Flying Saucers from Antarctica” to establish the Western Imperium.

What is a Census?
A modern Population Census may be defined as the total process of collecting, compiling and publishing demographic, economic and social data pertaining to all persons in a country at a specified time. A Census can also be described as a form of national stock-taking. The Census is a complete count of the population and provides detailed bench-mark data on the size of the population, age structure, educational attainment, labour force and socio-economic characteristics.

Since Census is a form of national undertaking, it involves everyone in the country and, through its statistical results, serves everyone in the country. In most countries it engenders good will and a sense of individual responsibility for seeing it through. For those who work on it, the Census is an exciting enterprise and a unique experience.

Why take a Census?

The increasing complexity of modern life means a greater need to plan housing, schools, roads, transportation and a vast range of social and economic requirements for the nation. This cannot be done without a regular detailed count of the population.
How often is regular?

In most countries, the census exercise is a decennial one, that is, every ten (10) years.
The last population census in Anguilla was taken in 1992, that is nine years ago. Since then, many changes have taken place. Such as fluctuating rates of population growth, changes in employment, changes in the average annual number of births, etc., all of which will have implications on the demand in social services, e.g. health, education and infrastructure including water, electricity and roads.

Does the Census just count people?

Although the main focus of the population Census is a count of the population, much more information about the characteristics of the population is obtained. The Census questions will seek to solicit information on the age, sex, marital status, religion and educational characteristics of each person. Questions on the economic activity of persons will provide information on the work force and its occupational and industrial breakdown.
Does the Census deal with any other area?

Our Census is a Census of population and housing, so in addition to the questions on persons, there are also questions on the houses that they live in. The questions on housing will tell us about conditions, facilities like water and electricity, overcrowding and so on.
How is a Population Census taken?

While the term Census is generally taken to mean counting the country’s population and the recording of certain characteristics at a particular point in time, several distinct operations have to be completed before a picture of the population can be presented.
In the first place, plans must be drawn up outlining what information is to be collected, how it is to be recorded and how the findings are to be presented. After these have been settled, the next step is to organize the collection of the data in the field under careful supervision.

The country is divided into small areas called Enumeration Districts (EDs) and an interviewer is assigned to each. The interviewer is thoroughly trained to ensure that he/she fully understands what questions are to be asked and how to record the answers quickly and correctly on the questionnaires provided. About three weeks before Census Day, preliminary enumeration begins. During that period, the interviewer will visit all buildings in his /her ED and record information on the Visitation Record. The actual enumeration begins on Census Day when all enumerators will visit every dwelling unit in all buildings and record the information given on the questionnaires. Therefore, if the quality of enumeration is good, the final tables which will be published will also be of good quality and usable for policy formation.

A field supervisor is placed in charge of a number of interviewers to monitor their work and to attend to any problems which may arise while the field work is being done. He/she also acts as a link between interviewers and the Census Office.

At the Census Office, the completed questionnaires are checked, coded where necessary, and made ready for processing by computers which are programmed to provide statistical tables for publication.

Who provides the Census information?

Ideally, every individual in the household should be interviewed, but this is not always possible. It is therefore permitted for any responsible adult to give the information about all the persons in that household, provided that he/she knows all the required answers.
Aren’t these questions kind of personal?

Most of the Census questions are really fairly innocuous (that is not harmful or injurious) but if you are worried about confidentiality, then be assured that the Statistics Act guarantees the confidentiality of your answers to the Census questions. Neither the enumerator nor any employee of the Census Office can reveal information about you or your household without incurring severe penalties including fines and or imprisonment.
Census Information is confidential

The law requires that all information collected from the Census must be kept confidential. All enumerators, supervisors, other field staff, as well as employees of the Census Office, will be required to take an oath of secrecy to not reveal any Census information to anyone who is not a sworn employee of the Census organization. This means that they will not divulge any Census information, under any circumstances, even to members of their families. Enumerators, supervisors and other persons working with the collected information are instructed and cautioned not to leave completed questionnaires lying around unprotected.
Census Information is used only for
preparing tabulations about the population as a whole

Some households may hesitate to answer some of the questions asked. This is understandable since they will be asked to provide information which they do not usually make available to strangers. However, persons who are reluctant to answer questions will be put at ease by informing them of the conditions under which information will be collected. These are:
· All persons engaged on the Census have taken an oath of secrecy, whether they are working in the field or in the Census Office.
grouping is the ennead, which is probably attested from the 3rd dynasty (c. 2650–2575 bce). Enneads were groups of nine deities, nine being the “plural” of three (in Egypt the number three symbolized plurality in general); not all enneads consisted of nine gods.
The principal ennead was the Great Ennead of Heliopolis. This was headed by the sun god and creator Re or Re-Atum, followed by Shu

 Information collected is kept strictly confidential. It is against the law for any Census worker to divulge information to any unauthorized individual or organization whatever. No information about any individual can be made available to any agency, not even to another government department.

The information collected will be used solely in the preparation of tables showing the size and structure of the population as a whole by means of TOTALS.
What is the role of the public?
The data are important to everyone and it is in our best interest to make the exercise a success. Everyone can help by:
· Being informed about the Census;
· Being available to the enumerators who will visit every household in Anguilla;
· Being accessible to the enumerators by opening our gates and answering the door;
· Being neighborly – ensure the safety of the enumerators while they are in your neighborhood. Make sure that they reach the next house safely and put away any vicious dogs while they are in the vicinity.
· Being involved. If you suspect your household has been missed, take steps to ensure that you are counted. Call the Census Office.

· Being cooperative. It is vital for the success of the Census that each and every one of us gives the enumerator our full cooperation. We will serve our country and ourselves if we answer the Census questions accurately and completely.

At exactly 9 P.M., a deep sonorous voice came out of Dr. Vinod’s mouth, totally unlike his own high pitched, soft voice, saying in perfect English without an accent:
M calling: We are Nine Principles and Forces, personalities if you will, working in complete mutual implication. We are forces, and the nature of our work is to accentuate the positive, the evolutional, and the teleological aspects of existence.”’
It was December 31st 1952, and the first of many ‘channeled’ communications, very relevant to crop circle research. Documented in three books, spanning more than 20 years, the ‘Source’ of the communications is also referred to as ‘The Nine’, and ‘The Infinite Intelligence’ (the Elohim in Hebraic tradition). One of The Nine, represents the ‘Spokesman’(the ‘Voice’) of The Nine, and was given the name ‘Tom’, by the ‘transceiver’ (‘Channel’) Phyllis Schlemmer
When Andrija Puharich asked Tom in the late 1970s ‘could you explain the profound mystery: Why there are nine basic manifestations of, I guess we should use the word ‘God’, for lack of a better term?’
Tom replied:
Nine is complete. Everything is nine. In your world you have said seven so many times, when everything is truly nine. There are nine chakras, which are the nine principles and nine elements of what you call God. There are nine bands around this planet Earth. There are nine etheric bodies, and the purpose of growing your etheric bodies or going through your transformations and transitions is to attain the nine etheric bodies. Nine is a complete number, it is whole. When you go over nine it cancels, it becomes one, and nine is complete. This does not change. But remember this: We ourselves are not God. All of you and all of us make God.’
The ancient Hieroglyphic sign for the mouth, is in the shape of a seed, and is the same sign used to write the name of the ‘Supreme Being’; Re (the Egyptian ‘Sun God’), who, as creator, (or Spokesman) was known as Atum-Re
Tom: “I am Tom. I am the spokesman for the Council of Nine. In truth I am Tehuti. Yes. I am also Hamarkos, I am also Herenkar, I am known as Thomas and I am known as Atum.” 

 was the primary ‘Creation God’ of the first religion of Egypt. He was symbolized as the Divine ‘initiator’ of Creation, who in a state of blissful total ‘Self’ contemplation (Infinite Conscious Awareness), provoked an ‘ejaculation’ (the ‘Word’), which caught in his throat (symbolizing the eternal cycle, or perpetual cycle of Creation, and the Word, from the ‘speech center’), causing him to cough out his own seed, giving birth to the Universe (‘And God said, Let there be light’, Genesis 1: 3, ). By this act he produced ‘Shu’ and ‘Tefnut’ (Yin and Yang; the ‘division of Unity’ into opposites, in Chinese tradition), who together with himself, form the first Triad of the Nine Great ‘Neteru’, or ‘Principles of Creation’, of early Egypt (Ref. 4).
M: “To be simple, we (the Nine) accentuate certain directions as will fulfill the destiny of creation.”
By the early 1980s, crop circle researchers began to focus serious attention on the crop fields, and as we did, so did the Neteru; the Nine; the Infinite Intelligence, begin to appear in the fields.

Background on Ancient Aliens Perspective Cosmogenesis
The  winter  solstice is an important turning point  in  the year.  It  marks the day of least daylight and the  beginning  of increasing  daylight,  the return to the life-giving  warmth  of summer. To compare, the summer solstice occurs exactly six months later and marks the longest day of the year. The two equinoxes in March and September mark the two days when day and night are exactly equal. Thus the year is divided into four seasons, and the two equinoxes and two solstices are thought of as directional "pillars" supporting the year. Seasons occur because the earth’s plane of rotation is tilted in relation to its orbital plane around the sun. As the earth orbits the sun throughout the year, the length of daylight waxes and wanes accordingly.  The  four "pillars" of the year designate significant moments in the yearly cycle,  and highlight seasonal changes which human beings  everywhere still anticipate and plan by.
Religions around the world, including Native Religions and Christianity, share the winter solstice as an honored holy day attended by celebration, festivals and ceremonies. It is often thought of as the most important of the seasonal quarters.  The winter solstice marks an extreme moment in which the solar light and "life" energy is at its lowest. The old year is gone and the embers of the New Year are just beginning to stir. This naturally gave rise to the idea that the sun had died and was born anew - the origins of the resurrection concept. We all feel the effects of winter and summer, we all abide by the rhythms set by the solar year and marked by the solstices.

Today we still celebrate New Year’s Day roughly in line with the winter solstice, and many people today set aside December 21st as a day of special celebration, inviting friends over or even organizing outdoor ceremonies.  In our times, in the years surrounding A.D.  2012, the winter solstice has added significance.
The ancient Maya noticed that the winter solstice sun was slowly moving towards the Milky Way. Two great markers in the sky were converging, presenting a rare celestial juncture.  Their calendar accurately tells us when this will occur, and it meant more than the birth of a new solar year. It meant the beginning of a new Great Cycle of time, the resetting of the great celestial star-clock of precession and, perhaps, an unprecedented shift in the nature of human consciousness and civilization.

Understanding this aspect of Mayan cosmogenesis may also help us understand our own impending millennial milestone.  What is going on in the world today? Is this alignment having some kind of influence? The precession of the equinoxes is, after all, primarily an earth rhythm. Whether we call it Mayan or  millennial, we are living today in the shadows of a rare celestial  juncture  which parallels the increasing interest in "New  World  Orders",  "post-historic"  thinking,  and a major  shift  in  world economic structure and what it means to be human. The Mayan myth seems to remind us that all life springs from the Great Mother. The transformation of cosmic recreation is already occurring. Perhaps  we  should  look closely at  this  celestial  alignment, imagine  its meanings, and determine what this  transformational shift  means  for future humanity. For the ancient Maya,  on  the far-future  Creation Day which for us arrives soon, First  Mother and First Father join forces to engender a new World Age. The Alphaverse is the First Father and the Omegaverse is the First Mother.
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world, although the term is not easily defined.
 Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms:
1.                  "What is there?"
2.                   "What is it like?"
A person who studies metaphysics is called a metaphysicist or a metaphysician.
The metaphysician attempts to clarify the fundamental notions by which people understand the world, e.g.,existenceobjects and their propertiesspace and timecause and effect, and possibility. A central branch of metaphysics is ontology, the investigation into the basic categories of being and how they relate to each other.
Prior to the modern history of science, scientific questions were addressed as a part of metaphysics known as natural philosophy. The term science itself meant "knowledge" of, originating from epistemology.
The scientific method, however, transformed natural philosophy into an empirical activity deriving from experiment unlike the rest of philosophy. By the end of the 18th century, it had begun to be called "science" to distinguish it from philosophy. Thereafter, metaphysics denoted philosophical enquiry of a non-empirical character into the nature of existence. Universe: The inside description of a context that is relative in size/structure (attributes/modes) to the known universe that we inhabit. A Universe, also known as a Cosmos, is a particular individual space-time organization with a specified number of dimensions of space and time and definite and specific laws of physics. Other Universes (other Cosmoses) may have different numbers of dimensions of space and time and different laws of physics than our own Universe (Cosmos).
Multiverse: The part of infinity that directly joins a given universe with all possible configurations of that universe.
Metaverse: In string theory, the part that is along with, after; over also denoting change in the multiverse that houses the branes or film that each universe is said to be attached to and hang like individual sheets in a hypermagnetic wave with rhythms of hypercosmic strings going up and down that has a third element causing up, down, backwards, forwards, motions inside the Xenoverse.
Note: In computer science, a metaverse is a virtual reality simulation based on the physical reality of a single individual universe, but one or more levels of implementation above it. It is conceived that it will be possible in forthcoming centuries to create such simulations using massive arrays of matrioshka brains and Jupiter brains.
Xenoverse: the unknown alien elements that are beyond and part of the metaverse and multiverse structure. Compared to a patchwork quilt hanging on a line to dry in space that is multivariate inside the Omniverse. While Omniverse is said to be the outside ring of all that is known, the Xenoverse is the inside the hypermacrocosm that is unknown beyond the metaverse—the unknown sets of laws that govern how branes behave to create metaverses, the laws of which govern the creation of multiverses.
Hyperverse: Multiple xenoverses and to a relative of and probably a quarter of an omniverse, also, not to be confused with Hyperversus and the off end of the multiverse: Metaverse and Xenoverse.

Omniverse: All possible attributes and modes are in play, multiverses are categorized by the attributes/modes active in its child universes. Some or all possible modes of existence are actualized. If we take the point of origin as our being as a point in measurement, then we can generate the following hierarchy:

1.     Is our location in space-time, 2? This Universe (cosmos), 3. The multiverse, 4. The metaverse, 5. The Xenoverse, 6. The Hyperverse, 7. The Omniverse. 8. The Alphaverse, 9. The Omegaverse

THEOSOPHY, Vol. 14, No. 4, February, 1926
(Pages 149-154; Size: 20K)
(Number 4 of a 59-part series)
IF the Orientalists, through their peculiar method of reading Zend, Pahalvi and Pazand, have disfigured the import of Zoroastrian texts, they have at least done the service of drawing to them the attention of the Western world. There are two occidental volumes which have misled western readers these many years -- Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra, and Samuel Laing's A Modern Zoroastrian. The former has deceived only the bourgeois mind into believing that Nietzsche's Zoroaster was anything else but an imaginary figure of the German writer. The latter has done more serious damage; the author, a materialistic rationalist of repute, but a poor philosopher and a worse metaphysician, harnessed his badly digested reading on the religion of the Parsis (reading presumably done in his capacity as a globe-trotter) to adorn his thesis on the dualism of matter-polarity. His volume is excellent reading from the standpoint of science and his remarks on Zoroastrian dualism are very interesting, but the title is a misnomer. The book has misled even Parsis, especially those unfamiliar with the real metaphysics and philosophy of their own religion. Orientalists began speaking of the religion of Zoroaster as dualism, and Laing, the scientist, confirmed the theory -- so, it became canonical!
In every civilization metaphysical ideas and cosmic ultimates have undergone strange metamorphoses through their misinterpretation by minds not pure and noble enough to comprehend them. A greater confusion than ignorant identification of Brahman with Brahmà exists in reference to the Zoroastrian pair. Not centuries but aeons of evolution are traceable since the two primeval spirits became transformed as Ormazd and Ahriman. If Zoroastrian cosmogenesis is to be understood, we should once again bear in mind the fact of lengthy eras of materializing thought which has made Zoroastrianism what it is, fragmentary and anthropomorphic.
Let the following be first grasped: the functions of the good and evil forces in Zoroastrian cosmology represent definite philosophic concepts; the activities of the same powers in anthropology and mythos are also distinct ideas; their psychological and human aspects make up a story by themselves, different again from the other two. Not only the different eras in which evolution of the duality-idea took place, have to be noted, but also the fact that different teachers used the same words and names to designate distinct ideas -- universal or personal, cosmic or psychological, mythical or allegorical.
In Zend tradition Ahuramazda and Angramainyu are not two opposing beings. They become so in their later Pahlavi transformations. Those two primeval Spirits -- Minos --are called Spento and Angro, and they are the powers (shaktis, as the Parsi Ervad Kanga points out, p. 23 of his Gathas) of Ahuramazda. Dr. Mills says in his Zarathustrian Gathas (p. 84), "The Spenta-mainyu here is not identical with Ahura, but it is, as so often, His Spirit, whatever precisely this expression may mean." This word Spenta is the same as in Amesha Spenta, the seven Immortals and really means the Mainyu-Spirit which unfolds its sevenfold nature or emanates seven hierarchies of beings. Thus Spenta-mainyu is the source from which emanate Ahuramazda himself with his six satellites. The supplementing power is Angra-Mainyu, the source of evil which is the root of matter and in its personified aspect is the father-brother of seven evil demons. Great discussion has taken place as to the real origin of this conception of Angra-Mainyu which later became Ahriman, Satan. The concept which ensouls the word is derived from the same source from which Ahimanyu of the Rig Veda comes. The Zoroastrian concept was not borrowed from the Vedas but like so many others is rooted in the original parent of both the Vedic and Avestic systems; the Ah-hi of the Esoteric Doctrine is the common parent of the Avesta Angra and the Vedic Ahi. Ahi the serpent of evil, or the Cycle of Matter is really the manifested Universe, the flesh made by the Word.
The two primeval spirits, Spento and Angro, are impersonal, universal and omnipotent forces -- centripetal and centrifugal. Out of them emanate the seven hierarchies of spiritual intelligence and the seven material kingdoms of nature. Spento and Angro are like the Purusha and Prakriti of Indian philosophy. Just as "Light and darkness are the world's eternal ways" (Gita, VIII) so do Spento and Angro-Mainyus commence, sustain, and renovate the cycle of necessity, Ahuramazda Himself being the primal expression thereof. The Gathas sing thus:
The spirits primeval are a pair and they together communed. These two differ in thought, in word, indeed, one the enhancer of betterment, the other the fashioner of evil ... The two spirits came together at the dawn -- one the maker of life, the other to mar it, and thus they shall be unto the last. Yasna XXX-3, 4.
I announce to you life's first two spirits of whom the Good accosted the Evil: Never our thoughts, nor creeds, nor understandings, nor beliefs, nor words, nor deeds, nor consciences, nor souls can be the same. Yasna XLV-2.
These two, the centripetal and centrifugal forces, are the basis of the universe. They cause manifestation and dissolution. The two are objects of worship by the Holy Sraosha, "the God Obedient to Ahura" (Yasna LVII-2). Spirit-Matter, Ideation-Substance, the One Life with its dual aspect, manifests as the Universe, the Zrvan Daregho-Khaodata -- sovereign time. This Zoroastrian expression stands for "the Great Day 'Be With Us'" which the Egyptians called "Day of Come to Us." It is the "Ring Pass Not" of the Manifested Cosmos in the Secret Doctrine.
This circle of Zrvan Daregho-Khaodata is guarded by four Star Chieftains -- Tistrya in the East, Satavaesa in the West, Vanant in the South and Haptoiringa in the North. Students of H. P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine will recognize in them the four Maharajas connected with the Lipikas and Karma.
The Zodiac with its twelve constellations as also the seven planets are mentioned in the Bundahis. Says H.P.B.:
The Sun, the moon and the stars in the Avesta are all emblematical representations -- the Sun, especially -- the latter being the concrete and most appropriate emblem of the one universal life-giving principle, while the stars are part and parcel of the Occult sciences. Yima never "prayed" but went to "meet the sun" in the vast space of heavens, and bringing down with him "the science of the stars, pressed the earth with his golden ring and forced (thereby) the 'Spenta Armaiti' -- (the genius of the earth) to stretch asunder and to bear flocks and herds and men." (Farg. II, 10.)
The Sun is regarded as a focal point for the universal light. The relation between Khorshed "the undying, shining, swift-horsed Sun" and Mihir or Mithra "the Lord of wide pastures, who has a thousand ears well shapen and ten thousand eyes, high, with full knowledge, strong, sleepless, and ever awake" has been a puzzle to the students of the Avesta. Says Darmesteter: "Mithra is closely connected with the Sun, but not yet identical with it." But esoteric cosmogony and the occult teaching on the nature of the physical sun once accepted, the puzzle remains no more a puzzle. Just as in the famous verse of the Isavasyaopanishad (15), the Spiritual Sun behind the physical sun is invoked, so is there behind the Avesta Khorshed -- Sun its Spiritual-Soul, Mihir or Mithra. Mihir in its cosmic aspect is the universal invisible light, and by the power inherent in it, produces physical stars which are its eyes and in the intervening spaces super-physical ones which cannot be seen but whose music can be heard. The dwelling place of Mihir extends over the manifested universe and he has eight friends who from watch-towers guard the faithful, and also listen to those who lie unto that Soul of Light and Lustre. This also is imagery of a teaching dealt with in the Esoteric Commentary -- "Eight houses were built by Mother." (c.f. S.D. I, 100.) Mihir's Chariot is inlaid with stars and made of spirit-substance (Mainyu-tashtem) drawn by four immortal horses, who, like Poseidon'ssteeds, live on ambrosia. In that chariot Mihir drives throughout Space, and the thousand well-made maces of iron on one side of that chariot fall upon the skulls of demons. Here is to be found poetic and allegorical descriptions of the formation of the heavenly bodies -- from suns to star dust.
In the prayer of praise recited every day by the orthodox Parsi, Mihir is described as present in seven directions (Mihir Nyayis, 11), in  reference to every globe, the third of which is called "this country." The order is peculiar but the Key to it lies in the Chaldean Kabala diagram given in the Secret Doctrine, Vol. I, p. 200. In one of His aspects, like the bright Nyima-Sun, Mihir falls under Karmic law and becomes the fiery aura of the "Hand" of Lhagpa-Mercury; in that particular aspect he became the central figure of the Mithraic Mysteries. Surrounding and within, above and below, in front and behind the land of Mihir, Mercury (Globe "F" of the Eastern Gupta Vidya and Tephreth of the Chaldean Kabala) is the Life-Power of the Central Sun -- Mihir in his solar aspect.
Several hints about the Moon being the preceding planetary chain are to be found: how the Moon was produced from Vohumano -- the Good Mind, as in the Vedas it is produced from the Manas of Purusha; how the Moon is the Keeper of the Seed of Bull (Taurus) (c.f. Isis Unveiled II, 465), how the Ameshaspentas pour Moon's glory (Khoreno -- Theosophic Aura-Augoeides) on the earth, and other cognate ideas, are to be found in the Mah Yast and other fragments.
That brings us to the doctrine of the seven Karshvares -- globes -- of our earth planetary chain, about which H.P.B. writes:
On Page six of his Introduction IV, to Part I of the Zend-Avesta -- the Vendidad, Mr. J. Darmesteter has the following remark: "The Ancestors of the Indo Iranians had been led to speak of seven worlds, the Supreme God was oftenmade sevenfold, as well as the worlds over which he ruled.... The seven worlds became in Persia the seven KARSHVARE of the earth: the earth is divided into seven KARSHVAREonly one of which is known and accessible to man, the one on which we live, namely, 'hvaniratha': which amounts to saying that there are seven earths." The latter belief is attributed, of course, to ignorance and superstition. Nor do we feel quite certain that this opinion will not be shared by those of our readers who neither are Chelas nor have read the "Fragments of Occult Truth." But we leave it with the "lay chelas" and others to judge whether this sevenfold division (see Farg. XIX) is not the ABC of the Occult Doctrines.
The Secret Doctrine (Vol. II, pp. 757-759) treats fully of this subject and explains the mystery. Space forbids our quoting in full the important passage, with the explanatory diagram, but the subject will remain incomplete if the reader omits to peruse it at this point.
That brings us to earth and anthropogenesis.
"Bundahis is an old eastern work in which among other things anthropology is treated in an allegorical form," says H.P.B., and we will make use of that valuable treatise, thus:
The field of evolution, the earth planetary chain, has an age limit -- 9,000 years divided into three periods. During the first 3,000 years everything proceeds by the will of Ahuramazda, followed by the second 3,000 years when an intermingling of the wills of Ahuramazda and Ahriman prevails, and then the last when the evil spirit is disabled and completely defeated. These three periods are worked by the magic of the Veracious Word of 21 words -- Honovar -- recited by Ahuramazda (seeBundahis I, 20-22). This is the poetic rendition of the stately progression of the 7 classes of Monads in the 7 Kingdoms through the 7 Rounds; the 9,000 years being a symbol -- 9 (made up of 4+3+2) worked with the aid of three ciphers, one each for the three periods of forthgoing, balance, and return.
We will take next the description -- puzzling to the ordinary reader but graphic to the student of the Secret Doctrine -- of that important event in evolution, the descent of the Manasa-putras, or the phenomenon of the lighting up of Manas. It is said (Bundahis II, 9) that Ahuramazda performed the Yazeshnai -- Sacrifice Ceremony -- with the help of the Ameshaspentas in the Rapitavan Gah and through that rite supplied every means necessary for overcoming adversity caused by the adversary -- Ahriman. Now, Rapithavan is one of the five periods of the day -- the exact middle of the day being its starting moment -- which is observed during the seven summer months, but not during the remaining five winter months. Chapter XXV of this Pahalvi volume deals with cycles; days, months, and seasons are utilized to serve the purpose of defining and describing a variety of cycles. Thus Ahuramazda performing this ceremony in the middle of the day is a very pointed reference to the event in the middle of the fourth round on this earth. What does he do? He deliberates with previously made Fravashis who had "remained 3,000 years in a spiritual state, so that they were unthinking, unmoving with intangible bodies" (Bundahis I, 8). Fravashis are the spirit-prototypes, the inner guardian angels of all souls -- sub-human, human, as well as super-human -- Ahuramazda himself having a Fravashi. H.P.B. speaks of it as "the spiritual counterpart of the still more spiritual original." Each Fravashi has attached to it Bod (Theosophic Buddhi) and Ahuramazda confers with these Fravashi-Bod.
Which seems to you the more advantageous, when I shall present you to the world? that you shall contend in a bodily form with the fiend (drug), and the fiend shall perish, and in the end I shall have you prepared again perfect and immortal, and in the end give you back to the world, and you will be wholly immortal, undecaying, and undisturbed; or that it be always necessary to provide you protection from the destroyer? (Ibid, II, 10.)
Then these spirit-entities "became of the same opinion" as Ahuramazda and descended to the world to fight the fiend of the lower nature and gain the knowledge of their immortality and become perfect.
In the Vendidad (Fargard II) we see the Theosophical teachings about the early races of humanity on earth. Just as Krishna (Gita IV) speaks of his having previously communicated the wisdom to Vivasvat, etc., so here Ahuramazda speaks to Zoroaster about the first mortal to whom the Deity taught the sacred lore. This was "the fair Yima, son of Vivanghat" whose story is narrated. H.P.B. informs us that Yima -- Persian Jamshed -- is "representative of the first unborn human race of our fourth round." Yima is "the good shepherd" who on being asked to be the bearer of the Good Law replies, "I was not born to be the preacher, nor was taught to be the bearer of the Law." This answer is indicative of the pure spiritual nature of that first race which was not "yet in need of the truths of the Sacred Science, -- hence Ahriman is powerless over the innocence of infancy," writes H.P.B. Yima keeps disease and death away from his people. This race grows seventy times seven, andthrice Yima enlarges the earth by the aid of the two implements -- gifts of Ahuramazda -- a golden ring and a poniard inlaid with gold. All this takes 1,000 winters, which says Isis Unveiled (II, 221) is a cycle known to the initiates and which has an allegorical sense. "By the power of his innate untaught light and knowledge, due to the absence of Angra Mainyu, he forces the earth to grow larger at his will and wish," says H.P.B. Thus Yima becomes the symbol of the three races.
Then Ahuramazda and his Ameshaspentas meet Yima with his flock in Airyana Vaego and the Deity informs Yima that fatal winters are going to befall, and that "all the three sorts of beasts shall perish"; "therefore make thee a vara, an enclosure," and thither bring the seeds of all species -- "two of every kind, to be kept inexhaustible there, so long as those men stay there." The Secret Doctrine (Vol. II, 291 et seq.) throws great light on subsequent events of the narrative, to which the reader's attention is called. Our attempt has been to indicate that a rich field of research awaits those who desire to know. In the words of H.P.B.:
Every thinking Parsee, has to help himself if he would learn more. His religion is not dead yet; and under the lifeless mask of modern Zoroastrianism the pulse of the Magi of old still beats. We have endeavored as briefly as possible to give a correct, though a very superficial, view of the purport and spirit of true Magianism. There is not a sentence in this for which authority cannot be shown. 

UFO religion
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The logo used by the Heaven's Gate group whose members committed a group suicide in the belief they were performing a rendezvous with ET.
UFO religion is an informal term used to describe a religion in which extraterrestrials (ET) figure. Typically, ETs are held to be interested in the benefit of humanity which either already is, or eventually will become, part of a preexisting ET civilization. Others may incorporate ETs into a more supernatural worldview in which the UFO occupants are more akin to angels than physical aliens, though, ultimately this distinction may become blurred within the overall subculture and a variety of tropes from standard space operas to the classic UFO sighting/abductee subculture are observed.
Some are cargo cults, in that the adherents believe that the arrival or rediscovery of alien civilizations, technologies and spirituality will enable humans to overcome their current ecological, spiritual and social problems. Issues such as hatred, war, bigotry, poverty and so on are said to be resolvable through the use of superior alien technology and spiritual abilities. Such belief systems are also described as millenarian in their outlook.
UFO religions naturally have developed first in such countries as the United StatesCanadaFrance, the United Kingdom and Japan as the concept presumes the cultural context of a society technologically advanced enough to conceive of ET as such and one in which religion of any kind is not discouraged or suppressed. The term “flying saucers” and the popular notion of the UFO originated in 1947. The 1950s saw the creation of UFO religions, with the advent of the purported contacteesScientology, which does not publicly stress this basis is probably the largest and originates from this early period.
L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, in 1950
UFO religions run the gamut from serious enough for adherents to commit mass suicide to a few that are intentionally satirical or farcical.
Notable UFO religions
Aetherius Society
Main article: Aetherius Society
The Aetherius Society was founded in the United Kingdom in the 1950s. Its founder, George King, claimed to have been contacted telepathically by an alien intelligence called Aetherius, who represented an "Interplanetary Parliament." According to Aetherians, their society acts as a vehicle through which "Cosmic Transmissions of advanced metaphysical significance" can be disseminated to the rest of humanity. These “transmissions” were recorded on magnetic reel-to-reel tape by persons present during each "telepathic transmission" as George King sat in a state of "Samadhi" and the "transmission" was “delivered” via his voicebox. In 1956 and 1957, and on occasion before a public audience, several of these “transmissions” forecast flying saucer activity in specific parts of the world on certain dates (You Are Responsible! Aetherius Society 1961). Shortly after these dates, newspapers, such as the Sunday Times and The Daily Telegraph, reported sightings which coincided with the dates and locations forecast in these “transmissions”. As a spiritual teacher, George King taught certain yoga practices, spiritual healing, Eastern mantra and “dynamic prayer”—tools for spiritual self-advancement and service to the world—which the Aetherius Society is principally based upon.
Church of the SubGenius
Main article: Church of the SubGenius
Founded in 1979 with the publication of SubGenius Pamphlet #1 by Ivan Stang and Philo Drummond, the Church of the SubGenius has been known as a “parody religion” due to its extensive use of comedy and parody. In spite of this, the organization claims over 10,000 followers worldwide who have paid $30 to become “ordained SubGenius ministers”, and it has been embraced by many skeptic and atheist groups. With the publication of The Book of the SubGenius in 1983, the Church of the SubGenius prophesied that its founder, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, was in contact with an exterrestrial race called the Xists (“X-ists”), and these Xists were scheduled to launch a worldwide invasion of Earth on July 5, 1998. (See also: X-Day (Church of the SubGenius)) The day of the scheduled invasion came and went without an appearance by the Xists, but church members remain unconvinced. The church now holds annual “X-Day” celebrations on July 5 of every year. The church also claims that its members are not entirely human, having descended from the Yeti.
Heaven’s Gate
The Heaven’s Gate group achieved notoriety in 1997 when one of its founders convinced 38 followers to commit mass suicide. Members reportedly believed themselves to be aliens, awaiting a spaceship that would arrive with Comet Hale-Bopp. The suicide was undertaken in the apparent belief that their souls would be transported onto the spaceship, which they thought was hiding behind the comet. They underwent elaborate preparations for their trip, including purchasing and wearing matching shoes. For a time, group members lived in a darkened house where they would simulate the experience they expected to have during their long journey in outer space
] Industrial Church of the New World Comforter
The Industrial Church of the New World Comforter is a UFO religion founded in 1973 by Allen Michael.
In 1947, Allen Noonan was a pictorial sign painter in Long Beach, California, who that year claimed to have a telepathic encounter with a UFO. He then changed his name from Allen Noonan to Allen Michael. He claimed to have physically encountered a flying saucer in 1954 at Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert of California. During the Summer of Love, he had a vegan restaurant on the northeast corner of Haight and Scott streets in San Francisco, California, called the Here and Now (also called the Mustard Seed). His group lived in two communes in two large houses during the late 1960s and early 1970s in Berkeley, California, called The One World Family. They taught classes in tantric sex. In 1969, the vegan restaurant moved to a much larger space on Telegraph Avenue and Haste Street in Berkeley and the name of the restaurant was changed to the One World Family Natural Food Center. They published a vegan cookbook called Cosmic Cookery. There was a large mural on the side of the restaurant painted by Allen Michael that had written above it the phrase Farmers, Workers, Soldiers—Revolution by 1976! The farmer was holding a pitchfork, the worker was holding a hammer, and the soldier was holding a gun, and they had their arms around each other’s shoulders. Above the three were three flying saucers coming in for a landing. In 1973, Allen Michael founded “The Industrial Church of the New World Comforter” and published the first volume of his revelations, The Everlasting Gospel. In 1975, the church headquarters and the vegetarian restaurant relocated to Stockton, California. Allen Noonan ran for president of the United States in the 1980 and 1984 elections on the Utopian Synthesis Party ticket
Nation of Islam
Main article: Nation of Islam
The Nation of Islam subscribes to the belief that UFOs are responsible for “raising mountains” and will destroy the world on the Day of Judgment. Its former leader, Elijah Muhammed, claimed that the Biblical Book of Ezekiel describes a “Motherplane” or “wheel”. The movement’s current leader, Louis Farrakhan, describes the “Motherplane” thus:
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us of a giant Motherplane that is made like the universe, spheres within spheres. White people call them unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Ezekiel, in the Old Testament, saw a wheel that looked like a cloud by day but a pillar of fire by night. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad said that that wheel was built on the island of Nippon, which is now called Japan, by some of the original scientists. It took 15 billion dollars in gold at that time to build it. It is made of the toughest steel. America does not yet know the composition of the steel used to make an instrument like it. It is a circular plane, and the Bible says that it never makes turns. Because of its circular nature it can stop and travel in all directions at speeds of thousands of miles per hour. He said there are 1,500 small wheels in this mother wheel which is a half mile by a half mile (800 by 800 m). This Mother Wheel is like a small human built planet. Each one of these small planes carries three bombs.
Main article: Raëlism
The International Raëlian Movement has been described as “the largest UFO religion in the world.”[6] Raëlians believe that scientifically advanced extraterrestrials, known as the Elohim, created life on Earth through genetic engineering, and that a combination of human cloning and “mind transfer” can ultimately provide eternal life. Past religious teachers, like JesusBuddha and Muhammad are said to have been sent by these scientifically advanced extraterrestrials to teach humanity. The Elohim are said to be planning a future visit to complete their revelation and education of humanity.
Raëlian Priest Thomas said on this topic, “The difference between Raëlians and Heaven’s Gate and Jim Jones etc., is that the others destructively believed in a God who would give them a better life after death, just like most believers in a monotheistic religion do today, and hence the risk for suicide chasing afterlife rewards … as Raëlians we want the best right now in our life, who would want to die now in that scenario with all those pleasures to enjoy? Raëlians believe in enjoying life now, with happiness and laughter
Main article: Scientology
Scientology has been discussed in the context of UFO religions in UFO Religions by Christopher Partridge, The Encyclopedic Sourcebook of UFO Religions by James R. Lewis, and UFO Religion: Inside Flying Saucer Cults and Culture by Gregory Reece.
 Stories of extraterrestrial civilizations and interventions in past lives form a part of the belief system of Scientology. The most well-known story publicized and held up to ridicule by critics is that of Xenu, the ruler of the Galactic who is said to have brought billions of frozen people to Earth 75 million years ago and placed them near a number of volcanoes, and dropped hydrogen bombs into them, thus killing the entire population in an effort to solve overpopulation. The spirits of these people were then captured by Xenu and mass implanted with numerous suggestions and then “packaged” into clusters of spirits.[10]
From the early 1950s onwards, Scientology’s founder, L. Ron Hubbard, published a number of books, lectures and other works describing what he termed “space opera”.
Scientology teaches that all humans have experienced innumerable past lives, including lives in ancient advanced extraterrestrial societies, such as Helatrobus and the Marcabians. Traumatic memories from these past lives are said to be the cause of many present-day physical and mental ailments. Scientologists also believe that human beings possess superhuman powers which cannot be restored until they have been fully rehabilitated as spiritual beings through the practice of “auditing”, using methods set out by Hubbard in his various works.
 According to Hubbard, when thetans (the Scientology term for a human being) die they go to a “landing station” on the planet Venus, where they are re-implanted and are programmed to “forget” their previous lifetimes, thus causing amnesia. The Venusians then “capsule” each thetan and send them back to Earth to be dumped into the ocean off the coast of California; whereupon, each thetan searches for a new body to inhabit. To avoid these inconveniences, Hubbard advised Scientologists to simply refuse to go to Venus after their death.
Unarius Academy of Science
Founded by Ernest L. Norman and his wife, Ruth, in 1954, the Unarians are a group headquartered in El Cajon, California, who believe that, through the use of fourth dimensional physics, they are able to communicate with supposed advanced intelligent beings that allegedly exist on higher frequency planes. Unarians believe in past lives and hold that the Solar System was once inhabited by ancient interplanetary civilizations.
Universe people
Main article: Universe people
The Universe people or Cosmic people of light powers (Czech: Vesmírní lidé sil světla) is a Czech movement centered on Ivo A. Benda. Its belief system is based upon the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations communicating with Benda and other “contacters” since October 1997 telepathically and later by direct personal contact. According to Benda, those civilizations operate a fleet of spaceships led by Ashtar (sometimes written Ashtar Sheran) orbiting and closely watching the Earth, helping the good and waiting to transport the followers into another dimension. The Universe People teaching incorporates various elements from ufology (some foreign “contacters” are credited, though often also renounced after a time as misguided or deceptive), Christianity (Jesus was a “fine-vibrations” being) and conspiracy theories (forces of evil are supposed to plan compulsory chipping of the populace
UFOs in other religions
§  Though rarely mentioned after having been introduced in 1991, Harry Palmer asserts a Galactic Confederacy story similar to Scientology in his "Avatar" courses and literature.[citation needed]
§  The Theosophical guru Benjamin Creme claims that the Messiah figure he refers to as Maitreya, who, he teaches, will soon declare himself publicly, is in telepathic contact with the space brothers in their flying saucers.[16] Creme subscribes to the view that Nordic aliens from Venus pilot flying saucers from a civilization on Venus hundreds of millions of years in advance of ours that exists on the etheric plane of Venus. These flying saucers are capable of stepping down the level of vibration of themselves and their craft to the slower level of vibration of the atoms of the physical plane (Creme accepts George Adamski’s UFO sightings as valid).[17] According to Creme, the Venusians have ships up to four miles long. It is also believed by the Theosophists in general as well as Creme in particular that the governing deity of EarthSanat Kumara (who is believed to live in a city called Shamballa located above the Gobi desert on the etheric plane of Earth), is a Nordic alien who originally came from Venus 18,500,000 years ago. The followers of Benjamin Creme believe there is regular flying saucer traffic between us and Shamballah and that crop circles are mostly caused by flying saucers.
§  The Ascended Master Teachings are a group of religions based on Theosophy. In the traditional Ascended Master Teachings of Guy Ballard and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, no mention is made of UFOs or flying saucers. However, the Ascended Master Teachings teacher Joshua David Stone in his teachings began, beginning in 1993, to refer to Ashtar, believed by some UFO enthusiasts to be the commander of a flying saucer fleet called the “Ashtar Galactic Command” that operates near Earth (manned mostly by Venusians), as a Master along with the more traditional ascended masters. He continued to include “Ashtar” on his list of ascended masters that he mentioned he received dictations from when speaking at his yearly Wesak Festival Mount Shasta gatherings that began to be held in 1996. Stone also taught that the Master Jesus, under his “galactic” name Sananda, sometimes rides with “Commander Ashtar” in his flying saucer fleet.
§  neo-Nazi esoteric Nazi Gnostic sect headquartered in Vienna, Austria, called the Tempelhofgesellschaft, founded in the early 1990s, teaches what it calls a form of Marcionism. They distribute pamphlets claiming that the race originally came to Atlantis from the star Aldebaran (this information is supposedly based on “ancient Sumerian manuscripts”). They maintain that the Aryans from Aldebaran derive their power from the vril energy of the Black Sun. They teach that since the Aryan race is of extraterrestrial origin it has a divine mission to dominate all the other races. It is believed by adherents of this religion that an enormous space fleet is on its way to Earth from Aldebaran which, when it arrives, will join forces with the “Nazi Flying Saucers from Antarctica” to establish the Western Imperium.

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