Monday, May 21, 2012

Alien ET UFO Community of Ascension Age 2012 and Beyond | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

Alien ET UFO Community of Ascension Age 2012 and Beyond | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.:

'via Blog this'

Those of us who are now tied together because of those who came before and made an impact are the true unsung heroes. The mysteries of life make the energy of our essence worth performing and worth living.
 We share with a drive and passion to do so that goes beyond saying and only hope for the welfare of our species. We understand the guiding force in all beings that are here on this planet. Some are awake and recognize their inner guidance system as that of ET while others who do not listen feel alienated on this planet. The truth is that we are all the same when in unity in another level of energy as our true essence of souls. We come here to learn to master our skills. We are all about the future for the entire species.
 There are many kindred spirits in this world that work towards a goal for the entire benefit of the souls who came before and will come again.
 There are souls that are the guiding force of essence who form the future with their trails and paths left for others on the journey we call life.
 I know that I speak of the body-mind-spirit having the birth-life-death experience most of the time in my articles and it is something that is inside of me that is the eternal essence energy that is the motivation.
The date of August 27, 2012 marks the fifth (5) year of the shared alliance of contributors as readers and writers joined by Dirk and TJ for the enjoyment of life on earth with those who came before. It is the wisdom that comes in the words of the stories that those above enjoy in what we call books.
We will soon learn who has the "IT FACTOR" whatever the it factor is.
Many come to this world and learn to do their part without any compensation of any kind for the energy and essence that is shared. The words that come together in secret doesn't have to mean anything other than recognition of what has not yet been created somewhere else besides here and there - I have a clue for you that will someday mean something to you and others...
We who are driven with a passion to do what is right for the "ALL" have a saying that is said, "The God/Goddess in me honor the God/Goddess in you and so it is." Some also in the psi spiritual world have coined a work and word of essence that is summed up in a word as "Namaste".
Today, this motivation was inspired to use the energy essence in me to say I can relate to the energy essence in you and hope that we can someday meet in this lifetime and shake hands of a mutual agreement while acknowledging that the universal awakened awareness can be shared by all people on earth no matter what life we lead, no matter what language we speak as simply the finger, hand, and arm pointing upward! This is the sign of truth of all beings with all life experiences no matter where we are located.
 Always point upwards and follow the vertical life which keeps us all in alignment with the soul's enlightenment.
 You are one who is included to share in saving all the elements that may be excluded if it were not for those of us being engaged in sharing in the shift of the uplifting of our human kind on earth.

 May all that is divine in this world in this universe, in the multiverse inside the metaverse share the unknown of the xenoverse with you who can reach the omniverse and share with others who are living here with the knowing that "Alien Civilizations Exist" and that "ASCENSION CENTER ENLIGHTENMENT" is real and inside our own minds?
 There are people such as you and I that are given tasks to perform that deal with the "X-FACTOR" in the "XENOVERSE.
 This clue is for those of your mind to someday complete with me as that of all those who came before from the Xenoverse. - This is the Clue that is in ME and is in YOU for the welfare of all who know of us in the working world for the future!
 The mysteries of life make the energy of our essence worth performing and worth living.
I hope and pray in my edited motivational and meditational state to see what would be created in this plane of existence for the good of all humanoid sentient intelligent beings of earth!
 For we met in another place in another time as we all shared our knowing that would be this time on earth together for the good of that which we call the "IT FACTOR OF THE XENOVERSE"/
 Thank you Dirk for four (4) years of sharing your time and effort. There are some who give some and some who gave all and we who are left in this world are just now learning what it is all about!
 May our divine leaders of this world know that we come in peace! We are the true essence in us all as the greater good inside us all. We are those who from the heavens came and came again.
 We shall be those who create the future for the enlightenment of energy as essence. Remember the seven heavens of the soul that have been created for the Ascension Age in this time in one’s life while on planet earth. We have the vertical lifestyle which will be shared in this reality and virtual reality.
Seven realms as the seven heavens as in universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, omniverse, Alphaverse, and Omegaverse. There are still the various dimensions in between the M Branes.

 Power to the People in the Existence of our Souls!
 Namaste -
 Love and Light Eternally,
TJ of Ascension aka TJ Morris tm ACIR sm, Commander and Chaplain on many planes in many dimensions.